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    At What Age Should I Get Serious About My Health?

    Posted by: Mariana Rosa

    At What Age Should I Get Serious About My Health?

    When is a Good Start and What to Do

    That is a question we get asked all the time – is there a certain age where we should think about getting in shape, starting a sport, eating better? When should I make these decisions?

    Right now would be a good start. 

    Longevity researchers study a phenomenon known as future time perspective. The more time we perceive we have, the more we’re able to ignore the fact that we’re overweight, may have elevated inflammation levels and don’t know what our basic health numbers look like. 

    If you haven’t had a checkup in the past year, start there. Get your blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol numbers checked, and make sure that keeping them under control is a top priority!

    There is no set time to follow and no better advice we can give than START NOW when it comes to your health – there is no regretting taking great care of yourself. 


    But What Can I do?

    You can start with a few simple steps and take further action from there.


    Measure and Watch Your Weight

    Making sure that you eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is a no brainer. Watching your weight is a good way to stay healthy and avoid conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. But there’s a balance to be reached – avoid becoming obsessive with numbers on a scale or how you look – it’s all about being healthy, prioritising yourself and maintaining a good BMI. You can check yours here 


    Limit Unhealthy Foods and Eat Healthy Meals 

    This doesn’t mean you can’t have a snack here and there or enjoy special occasions with a slice of cake or a sweet treat. Once again, it is all about balance and how you limit yourself. Opt for green leafy vegetables, limit carbohydrate intake for the week and go for fresh home cooked meals when possible. 


    Take Multivitamin Supplements 

    Multivitamins are a great way to keep your levels healthy and the good news is there are plenty of options out there for any stage of life. A good way to start is to speak to your doctor and see what vitamins are you lacking and how much you should take. Find the best options available at Gr8 Health here


    Drink Water and Stay Hydrated, and Limit Sugary Beverages 

    Start with at least 8 glasses of water a day and make good choices when it comes to drinks. Choose freshly made juices instead of soda, sugar free cocoa drinks instead of the usual supermarket choice that can be loaded with added sugar and read the label on sports drinks before buying to ensure you’re getting what you need. 


    Exercise Regularly and Be Physically Active 

    This is an obvious tip and we know sometimes finding the time for these activities can be hard. But make an effort to take a walk after lunch of dinner, go to the park with your children and run around for a bit, choose a sport that your friends also might like to join and remember that any sport is a good chance to make new friends! Boost your socials life and your health at the same time! 


    Reduce Sitting and Screen Time 

    If you work in an office, you know the pain. One good way to work around this is to set yourself a timer and get up for a little walk every half an hour to stretch your muscles and avoid eye straining. For screen time, limit yourself as much as possible and remember to turn off any electronic device at least 1 hour before bed to ensure you adjust well before sleeping. 


    Get Enough Good Sleep 

    Around 8 hours of sleep is a good start to ensure you’re well rested and ready for the day. A good night of sleep also can improve your mood, your energy levels, brain function and mental health. And don’t forget to turn off that screen at least 1 hour before bedtime and make a habit not to take any screens to bed to avoid the temptation of another scroll. 


    Go Easy on Alcohol and Stay Sober 

    It is ok to have a glass of wine on social occasions or special times, but moderation is key. There is a lot of danger linked to alcohol consumption and we know very well the harm it can cause.  Be smart and limit yourself and don’t drive after drinking – this is the number 1 rule when it comes to alcohol consumption. Opt for low alcohol level beverages or maybe virgin cocktails instead – your health will thank you. 


    These tips are only the beginning steps you can take for optimal health at any age. Make sure to do what’s right for you and don’t follow so many trends that can be deceitful. Instead, see your doctor regularly for safe health tips and check ups and make sure to prioritise your wellness every day! Start now and your future self will thank you! 

     As always, find below some great beginner options of vitamins and supplements to elevate your wellness and live your life in Gr8 Health! 

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