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    Bowel Health

    Posted by: Mariana Rosa

    Bowel Health

    How to Improve it?

    As a doctor I find natural products and organic high fibre foods the best way to keep regular. Again the ‘8 Rules for a Healthy Life’, see my book, are basic to being healthy – especially water and the right food. – Dr Julie Douglass

    When trying to understand what is a healthy bowel it is helpful to understand how your bowel works, what is normal and what is not normal, particularly when it comes to constipation and diarrhea.

    Most people learn good bowel habits (when and how to go the toilet) when they are young and develop strong pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that control bowel movement) during early adulthood.

    Some people may experience problems as they get older. Chronic constipation, chronic coughs, heavy lifting, childbirth and menopause can weaken your pelvic muscles and lead to:

    • Constipation
    • Straining on the toilet
    • Poor bowel control (incontinence). 

    What are bowels?

    Your bowels make up part of your lower digestive tract and consist of your intestines, rectum and anus (bottom).

    Your rectum is where stools (poo) are stored. Your brain sends messages to your rectum when it is full and needs to be emptied.

    How your bowel works

    The digestive system breaks down and absorbs all the food and fluids you consume into nutrients needed to fuel the body. The digestive tract runs from the mouth to the anus and includes the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine or colon, and the rectum and anus. It is around 9-10 meters long.

    Depending on what has been eaten it can take between 12-48 hours for food to travel the length of the digestive tract.

    What are the Signs of a Healthy Bowel?

    Being ‘regular’ is a way of describing good bowel habits or normal bowel function. It’s common for people to empty their bowel once a day, although it’s still normal to go more or less often. Being regular really means that soft well-formed bowel motions are easily passed anywhere from 1 – 3 times a day to 3 times a week.

    The bowel usually wants to empty about 30 minutes after a meal (commonly breakfast), but this can vary from person to person.

    With good bowel function you should be able to:

    • hold on for a short time after you feel the first urge to go to the toilet
    • pass a bowel motion within about a minute of sitting down on the toilet
    • pass a bowel motion easily and without pain – you shouldn’t be straining on the toilet or struggling to pass a bowel motion that is hard and dry
    • completely empty your bowel when you pass a motion – you don’t have to return to the toilet soon after to pass more.

    How to keep your bowels healthy

    • Eat a healthy diet including foods high in fibre such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables
    • Drink 6-8 glasses of water (1.5-2 litres) daily
    • Get active to help move food through the digestive tract
    • Allow enough time on the toilet so you don’t need to rush or strain
    • Use the best position for emptying your bowels: lean forward, with a straight back, forearms on your thighs and feet slightly raised if possible (you may find a footstool helpful)
    • Try not to strain or hold your breath
    • Be aware of your bowel habits so you notice when something changes
    • Maintain a healthy weight and don’t smoke because obesity and smoking are associated with an increase in risk of bowel cancer
    • If you are over the age of 50, talk to your doctor about bowel screening for bowel cancer. Everyone over 50 is eligible for a free bowel screen kit in Queensland, so use it.

    Supplements and Vitamins for Bowel Health


    Probiotics are live bacteria (flora) that are good for your digestive system. Beneficial gut flora helps your GI tract to break down food to nutrients absorption. The nutrients in food are essential for good health and when lacking leads to various health problems, such as gas, bloating and constipation and diarrhea. 

    IMUNI Specialised Probiotics+ Immunity, Respiratory, IBS, Stress 30 Caps

    Blackmores Probiotics+ Immune Defence 30C

    Henry Blooms Multi Fibre with Probiotics (Tropical Fruits) 750g


    Fibre is essential to digestion and to move food and its breakdown through your system to eventually help eliminate the waste. We recommend a number of high fibre products to help. 

    Cabot Health Fibretone Powder Neutral 200g

    Bonvit Psyllium Fibre 550mg 180c

    Henry Blooms Multi Fibre with Probiotics (Tropical Fruits) 750g


    Digestive enzymes

    Digestive enzymes are proteins that help break down food in the digestive tract. They are produced by the pancreas, stomach and small intestine. However, some people don’t produce enough digestive enzymes, which can lead to digestive problems such as bloating, gas and indigestion.

    Digestive enzyme supplements can help improve gut health by aiding in the breakdown of food. Look for supplements that contain a combination of different enzymes, including protease, amylase, lipase, lactase and cellulase. These enzymes help break down proteins, carbohydrates, fats, lactose and fiber, respectively.

    GutAid Gluten Relieve 40c

    Renue by Science NMN (Liposomal) 90 Ct. x 250 mg

    Herbs of Gold Digest-Zymes 60 Caps



    L-glutamine is an amino acid that is essential for gut health. It is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is used to fuel the cells that line the digestive tract. Glutamine helps to strengthen the intestinal barrier, which is important for preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream.

    Glutamine supplements can help improve gut health by supporting the growth and repair of the intestinal lining. Look for a supplement that specifically contains L-glutamine, which is the form of glutamine that is most easily absorbed by the body. 

    Henry Blooms L Glutamine Powder 300g

    Grasses of Life Pre-Biotic Gut Food with Bio-Fermented L-GLutamine 100g

    Cabot Health Glutamine Powder Pure 175g


    Other vitamins and supplements that can improve bowel health include: Curcumin, Vitamin C, Chamomile/Ginger, garlic.


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