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    How to Protect Yourself From a Virus

    Posted by: Quieta Bail Naturopath (BHSc)

    How to Protect Yourself From a Virus

    The best way to treat a virus is to prevent getting one in the first place. The Australian Department of Health recommends to practice good self-hygiene and other measures to protect against infections. These include washing hands, covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing, avoiding close contact with others and not sharing personal items. However, there is something else… have a healthy immune system! Having a healthy, well-functioning immune system is possibly the biggest goal in virus prevention. Here is our health professional approved tips on maintaining a healthy immune system:

    Nutrition & Hydration


    Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C – the star vitamin of the immune system. Vitamin C shows antioxidant and enhanced white blood cell capabilities to fight off infection! Vitamin C can’t be stored in our body so it’s important to include it in our diet every day. Berries are another way to pack high amounts of antioxidants into the diet. Berries are often high in flavonoids that particularly protect the respiratory tracts defences. Including a cup of blueberries in your daily diet could reduce your risk of catching infections and flu’s.

    Green Foods

    Foods that are green are packed with vitamins and minerals. Most particularly, vitamins A, C and E are found. The fresher the better for antioxidant powers. Green vegetables and leafy greens are sure to keep your immune system fighting hard. Cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage, broccoli & bok choy) have been found to send chemical signals to the brain to boost proteins required for active immune function.

    Nuts & Seeds

    Almonds have high amounts of vitamin E, manganese, magnesium and fibre. These constituents lead to an improved benefit to the immune system. Sunflower seeds are also high in vitamin E and B6, which is a useful antioxidant within the body.

    What to drink

    beef-bone-mushroom Hydration is key! When your cells are hydrated, they function at their best. When dehydrated, it’s hard to fight off anything, let alone a virus! Once you get your water in you can think about other liquids to be consuming. Such as a ginger and turmeric tea for anti-inflammatory effects, or green tea for the flavonoids. It also might be important to point out that alcohol can damage important immune cells and suppresses immunity. Lastly, bone broths are a great way to improve immune function. Personally, as soon as flu season hits, I’m craving my mums chicken soup to make sure my body is ready to fight anything. Chicken soup is high in vitamin B6, keeping your blood healthy, as well as other important constituents for gut health and immunity.

    Rest & Relaxation

    Ever notice you always seem to get sick in the middle of a stressful/busy period? That’s because sleep hygiene is as important as washing your hands. Lack of fulfilling sleep has been linked to low immune function – leaving us sleepy and susceptible to colds & flus. Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to make sure your body is prepared to fight the flu. Stress also plays a big factor in immune function. Cortisol, released when stressed, helps the body fight inflammation and disease. When you’re constantly stressed, your body comes less sensitive to actual inflammation and disease, which reduces immune function.

    Cleanliness & Air Freshness

    General Hygiene

    There is something to be said about keeping clean. What isn’t helpful though, is reaching for toxic anti-bacterial wipes and sprays. Some products have chemicals that can do more harm than good. That’s why it’s important to get certified organic products to keep your hands & surfaces clean. Shower daily, wash your hands before preparing food, and cover your mouth when eating.

    Fresh Air

    Viruses can travel through the air in tiny droplets (hence why it’s so easy to catch!). If someone in the household is sick, try keep the air flow fresh to ensure nothing is sticking around. It’s also a good idea to wash sheets often! If possible, try get some healthy sun in the morning. Vitamin D has been shown to improve weak immune systems!

    Supplements & Herbs

    Astra 8

    A high potency immune-boosting formula combining herbs traditionally used in Chinese medicine to promote a healthy immune system and build resistance against minor infections.


    Zinc plays the centre role here, as deficiency can lead to weak immunity and inflammation.


    Echinacea improves bodily defence mechanisms to fight germs and infections. Some studies have found it can play a preventative role in colds & flus.

    Children’s Immune Care

    Enriched with Echinacea and nutrients to support and boost young immune systems. This immune support provides relief of the symptoms and severity of colds and flu.


    Fusion Activiral with Andrographis and Olive Leaf is a high potency antiviral formula. Assists in the management of viral infections causing colds, flu and mild upper respiratory infections.

    Selenium & Iodine

    Selenium helps initiate immunity and regulates excessive immune responses. Iodine powers the thyroid and helps to boost the immune system in times of need. The information found in this guide or any associated media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It does not take the place of medical advice. Any statements or advice given in this guide and associated platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please discuss any recommendations I make with your medical practitioner, as they are aware of your specific health conditions and history.

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