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    Mushroom Supplements 101: Health Benefits of Mushrooms

    Posted by: Jacob Byrne BHSc Adv.Dip Nut Med

    Mushroom Supplements 101: Health Benefits of Mushrooms

    Health Benefits of Mushrooms – 10 Health Benefits of Mushrooms

    Mushrooms are a magnificent part of the natural world, playing a vital role in the breakdown cycle within the ecosystem. Mushrooms also provide us with a micronutrient-rich plant-based food source high in proteins, amino acids, fibre, and B-group vitamins. The bioactive compounds found in distinct species of mushrooms have been used traditionally for thousands of years for a broad range of conditions and ailments across the world. These unique fungi are packed with antioxidants, polysaccharides, and other beneficial compounds that have been shown to have powerful immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects. This blog post explores some of the most used medicinal mushrooms and their potential health benefits.

    – A Natural Source of Complex Carbohydrates, Fibre, and beta-glucans

    – Plant/Fungi-based Protein Source.

    – Antioxidant-Rich

    – Contain Vitamin D

    – B group Vitamins (Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Riboflavin, Folate, Biotin)

    – High in the amino acid choline

    – High in essential minerals: Selenium, Copper, Phosphorus, and Potassium.

    – Inexpensive addition to your shopping cart! Adding these mushrooms to your diet is a fantastic way to receive the health benefits of mushrooms!

    – Mushroom supplements:  Sometimes fresh is not always available when it comes to mushrooms. We have access to spectacular mushroom supplements in Australia. These extracts are available in powder and liquid tincture forms.


    Our Favourite Types of Medicinal Mushrooms


    Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)

    A popular medicinal mushroom is the Reishi mushroom. Also known as the “mushroom of immortality,” the Reishi mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to promote longevity and overall wellness. This mushroom is rich in triterpenes, which are compounds that have been shown to have immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects. They are also a good source of beta-glucans, which may help to support the immune system. (Wachtel-Galor et al., 2011).
    This mushroom is available at Gr8Health in both Powder Extract and Liquid tincture forms!


    Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)

    Lions mane medicinal mushrooms, also known as Hericium erinaceus, are a type of mushroom that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. These mushrooms are prized for their unique appearance, with long, shaggy spines that resemble the mane of a lion, and are thought to have a range of potential health benefits. Some research has suggested that lions mane mushrooms may help improve cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. They are also thought to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties and may help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Overall, lion’s mane mushrooms are considered a valuable medicinal food and are gaining popularity as a natural health supplement. (Friedman, 2015)
    This mushroom is available at Gr8Health in both Powder Extract and Liquid tincture forms!




    Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)

    Turkey tail mushrooms, also known as Trametes Versicolor, are a type of edible fungi that are native to North America and Asia. These mushrooms are named for their distinctive appearance, which features a range of colours, from brown and black to red and blue, arranged in concentric rings that resemble the tail of a turkey. Turkey tail mushrooms are commonly used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, where they are believed to have a range of health benefits. Some research has suggested that turkey tail mushrooms may have immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, and may help protect against certain types of cancer. These mushrooms are also a rich source of polysaccharides, which are complex sugars that are thought to have health-promoting effects. (Yu et al., 2013)

    This mushroom is available at Gr8Health in both Powder Extract and Liquid tincture forms!


    Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis)

    Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms are a type of fungi that are known for their unique appearance and potential health benefits. These mushrooms are parasitic, meaning they grow on and derive their nutrients from other organisms, insects or small animals. Cordyceps mushrooms are commonly used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, where they are believed to have a range of therapeutic effects. In traditional medicine, Cordyceps mushrooms are often used to support the immune system, improve respiratory and cardiovascular health, and enhance physical performance. Some research has supported these uses, suggesting that Cordyceps mushrooms may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and may help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Overall, Cordyceps mushrooms are considered a valuable medicinal food and therapeutic supplement.

    This mushroom is available at Gr8Health in both Powder Extract and Liquid tincture forms!




    Shiitake (Lentinufa erodes)

    Shiitake mushrooms, also known as Lentinula edodes, are a type of edible fungi that are native to East Asia. These mushrooms are prized for their rich, savoury flavour and meaty texture, and are a staple ingredient in many Asian dishes and cuisines. Shiitake mushrooms are also commonly used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, where they are believed to have a range of health benefits.

    In terms of nutrition, shiitake mushrooms are a good source of protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. They are also a rich source of lentinan, a type of polysaccharide that is thought to have immune-boosting and anti-tumour properties. Some research has suggested that shiitake mushrooms may help protect against certain types of cancer, and may have potential benefits for the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

    Find this mushroom at your local organic grocer or farmers market.





    Our Favourite Types of Edible Mushrooms

    Culinary mushrooms are a type of edible fungi that are prized for their rich, earthy flavour and meaty texture. These mushrooms are a staple ingredient in many dishes and cuisines around the world, and are used to add depth and complexity to soups, stews, sauces, and sautés. Some common varieties of culinary mushrooms include button mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and oyster mushrooms.

    One simple way to enjoy culinary mushrooms is to sauté them in a pan with butter, oil, garlic, and herbs. To make this dish, start by heating 15 grams of butter or oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Once the butter is melted or the oil is hot, add a clove of minced garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Then, add 225 grams of sliced mushrooms to the pan and cook, occasionally stirring, until they are tender and golden brown, about 8-10 minutes. Season the mushrooms with salt and pepper to taste, and stir in a handful of chopped fresh herbs like parsley or thyme. Serve the mushrooms as a side dish or topping for grilled meats or vegetables.

    Another way to enjoy culinary mushrooms is to make a simple mushroom soup. To make this soup, start by heating 15 grams of butter or oil in a pot over medium heat. Add a diced onion and a clove of minced garlic to the pot and cook until the onion is softened and translucent about 5 minutes. Then, add 225 grams of sliced mushrooms to the pot and cook, occasionally stirring, until they are tender and starting to release their moisture, about 8-10 minutes. Stir in 1 litre of vegetable or chicken broth, and bring the soup to a simmer. Cook the soup for 10-15 minutes, until the mushrooms are fully cooked and the flavours have melded together. Finally, season the soup with salt and pepper to taste, and serve it hot, garnished with a drizzle of heavy cream or a handful of chopped fresh herbs.



    Gailhampshire. (2020). English: Red listed as extremely rare, mostly found in the New Forest. https://www.flickr.com/photos/gails_pictures/50617016682/. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lion%27s_Mane_Fungi._Hericium_erinaceus.jpg
    Friedman, M. (2015). Chemistry, Nutrition, and Health-Promoting Properties of Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s Mane) Mushroom Fruiting Bodies and Mycelia and Their Bioactive Compounds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63(32), 7108–7123. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.5b02914

    Wachtel-Galor, S., Yuen, J., Buswell, J. A., & Benzie, I. F. F. (2011). Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi or Reishi): A Medicinal Mushroom. In I. F. F. Benzie & S. Wachtel-Galor (Eds.), Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects (2nd ed.). CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92757/

    Yu, Z.-T., Liu, B., Mukherjee, P., & Newburg, D. S. (2013). Trametes versicolor extract modifies human fecal microbiota composition in vitro. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 68(2), 107–112. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11130-013-0342-4



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