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    Product Review Gut Performance Gut Health Workout

    Posted by: Mariana Rosa

    Product Review Gut Performance Gut Health Workout

    Does your gut need a workout? Then this is the product for you!

    There are many products for gut health out there but, as you know, we only stock the best and it is no different with Gut Performance, a brand we recently added to our portfolio that believes food is medicine and health starts from the inside out. 

    What is It? 

    The Gut Performance Your Daily Gut Health Workout is a delicious prebiotic gut health drink that can help your digestive system and boost your immunity. Made from a blend of superfoods and antioxidants that nourish your gut’s natural biome, this prebiotic supplement comes in a delicious powder form that can help your digestive system, boost immunity and aid general gut issues. It is scientifically formulated to help with bloating, IBS and gut inflammation.

    We Tried! 

    So, naturally, I had to try this product, being super obsessed with gut health. The flavour is very powerful and you can taste the blackcurrant straight away, so maybe avoid mixing it with too many fruits to not make it too overpowering. I just added one scoop to water and sipped away. It was honestly like the most tasting and healthy fruit juice ever! It is also not overly sweet so a simple smoothie would also be a good way of incorporating this powder into your routine. 


    I used this product for 2 weeks to see how it would perform and I can say it is very diuretic and really transformed my gut. Honestly, I stopped feeling bloated after a few days of using it and any bathroom trips were not an issue anymore. This powder also made me experience more energy on my day to day and my mood also changed severely. 

    If you’re looking for a complete change in your wellbeing, this is definitely a must have! Try the amazing Gut Performance Your Daily Gut Health Workout available at Gr8 Health and check out the Gut Performance range to boost your wellbeing and benefit you from the inside out! 

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