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    Rest, Recover and Rediscover your Health

    Posted by: Mariana Rosa

    Rest, Recover and Rediscover your Health

    The secret is in the downtime!

    We live in an age where hustling is a lifestyle choice and burnout is an expectation. Productivity and achievement are at the forefront of our minds constantly and we tend to ignore the body’s signals that it needs to rest. We push ourselves to the brink and often forget that rest and rejuvenation are vital aspects of our life. However, it is important to remember that recovery plays a pivotal role in maintaining and optimising overall health. Our bodies require time to heal, repair and optimise their functions. Let’s explore the different types of restoration that are critical to maintaining your GR8 health!

    • Physical Restoration

    Engaging in intense physical activities, whether it be a tough workout, demanding work, or repetitive motions, places stress on our bodies. Recovery allows for the repair of tissues, the restoration of energy levels, and the removal of metabolic waste. It assists in reducing inflammation, preventing injuries, and building muscular strength and endurance. By incorporating proper rest and recovery into our fitness routines, we can achieve optimal performance and maintain long-term physical health. If you struggle to recover after an intense workout or any form of physical exertion, invest in a quality BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acid) as this will help put the building blocks back into your body to repair faster.

    • Mental and Emotional Rejuvenation

    Recovery includes more than just physical needs, it also encompasses both mental and emotional well-being as well. In a world where we are constantly “on”, our minds are stimulated constantly and we are in a permanent state of anxiety and overwhelm, giving yourself time to decompress and recover helps to alleviate stress, anxiety and burnout, all common symptoms of a fast-moving society. Rest allows for cognitive function to increase, improve memory and allow you to approach daily challenges with clarity and focus. Prioritising recovery builds emotional resilience, promotes positive moods and contributes to an overall mental equilibrium.

    • Quality Sleep

    Among all the aspects of recovery, sleep is the pinnacle of all methods. During sleep, our bodies undergo a series of essential processes that boost our health. When we sleep our bodies repair tissues, regulate hormones, strengthen our immune system and consolidate memories. Quality, restful sleep is vital for optimal physical and mental performance and creating a sleep schedule creates a positive environment for sleep. You always feel better after a good night’s rest and it should therefore be a top priority for maintaining and optimising overall health wellbeing.

    • Preventing Overtraining and Burnout

    In our pursuit of success and achievement, it is easy to fall into the trap of overtraining and burnout. Pushing ourselves relentlessly without allowing for the right recovery can lead to a cascade of consequences including poor health and injury. Overtraining syndrome can result in decreased performance, chronic fatigue, weakened immune function, and an increased risk of long-term injuries. It is important to recognise the importance of recovery as a vital part of your training programs to help strike a balance between peak exertion and rest. This will enable you to sustain progress and long-term success in your goals. Failure to incorporate proper recovery techniques can lead to long term effects that impact your goals and overall health.

    • Holistic Self-Care

    Recovery should be viewed as an important part of our life, not an afterthought. Recovery is best viewed as a form of self-care, a way to enhance and optimise our bodies to maintain peak physical and mental health. Self-Care can take the form of mindfulness, relaxation techniques, meditation and incorporating hobbies and passions into our daily life. Our bodies need restoration in forms that are not just sleep and repair orientated. We thrive on personal development and honouring the aspects of life that light us up. Self-care is a vital part of recovery and for ensuring both mental and physical welling are maintained.

    When it comes to nurturing our health it is important to prioritise rest and recovery. By doing so we give ourselves the opportunity to repair, optimise and heal. We provide our bodies with the space it needs to recover from exhaustion, prevent burnout and ease anxiety and stress. Embracing recovery as an integral part of your lifestyle is important and it empowers us to continue achieving sustainable success and cultivating a state of balance in our bodies. Allow yourself the gift of recovery and reap the benefits of prioritising your health through proper self-care, recovery and rejuvenation.

    To help with your recovery, check out a few of our favourites:

    Our Naturopaths say: Recover faster, reduce post workout fatigue the clean way with this delicious fruity blend.


    Our Naturopaths say: Maximize your results for sports and exercise recovery with a blend of essential amino acids and branch chain amino acids.


    Our Naturopaths say: The same high potency magnesium chloride as our best-selling magnesium bath flakes, but with elemental sulfur.


    Our Naturopaths say: A heavenly sleep formula enriched with chamomile and passionflower to help you relax into sleep and ease an overactive mind or anxiety.


    These will definitely give your muscles the recovery and growth they need so when summer arrives, you’re ready to kick your goals once again! 





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