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    The Beauty Benefits of Zinc

    Posted by: Kelsea Bell - Gr8 Health Naturopath

    The Beauty Benefits of Zinc

    Let’s face it, everyone is always searching for the secret formula to maintaining healthy, youthful and glowing skin. We try every new face wash, sunscreen, anti-ageing cream that hits the shelves. But rather than spending a fortune on expensive products that you cover yourself head to toe in, why not tackle your skin problems from the inside out? Zinc probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think about beautiful skin. We often read all about the different vitamins that our bodies need to maintain healthy skin; but in fact, this tiny mineral is a superstar! Not only is it found in every single cell in our bodies and involved in more than 300 different chemical reactions in the body, it also plays a major role in the health of our skin and not having enough zinc in your body is sure to show on your complexion.

    Here’s how zinc keeps skin healthy and glowing from the inside:

    It’s works as an Antioxidant

    Antioxidants play a critical role in keeping skin healthy. Zinc is believed to have antioxidant properties that protect the skin from forming damaging free radicals and protect the integrity and structure of the skin. This boosts the ability to prevent wrinkles, sagging skin and any other unwanted signs of premature aging.

    Helps to fight Acne

    Zinc is one of the most extensively studied minerals for acne treatment. Inflammation is the skins natural response to blocked pores, and too much inflammation shows up on our skin as swelling and acne. The potent antioxidant actions of zinc reduce the inflammatory response to clogged or blocked pores, which means less swelling and acne on the surface of the skin. Research has also shown zinc can kill off bacteria that invades pores and cause acne.

    Helps to heal & rejuvenate the skin

    We have the highest demand for zinc from the time when we may injure our skin, and having low zinc levels at this time can delay wound healing. Zinc’s role in wound healing is extensive as it is required for collagen and protein synthesis,  and cell proliferation – i.e. how the cell cycles, lives, dies and recycles, all of which are essential for regeneration and repair. Additionally, zinc supports our immune system, and a stronger, more robust immune system is vital for fighting off potentially harmful micro-organisms and avoiding the development of wound infections.

    How much Zinc do we need?

    Zinc is considered an “essential trace element”, which means we only need small amounts each and every day. However, we need a constant supply as we’re not that good at storing zinc in the body. The recommended daily intake (RDI) in Australia is 14 mg for men and 8 mg for women. Inadequate levels of zinc in the body can lead to symptoms such as poor immune function, hair loss, poor wound healing, lethargy and skin conditions.

    Who Might Need it

    You may need zinc if your skin is prone to acne, rosacea or eczema or takes a long time to heal. Factors such as excessive exercise, stress, auto-immune disease and even the oral contraceptive pill can deplete your skin levels. Vegetarian and vegan diets tend to also be low in zinc so supplementing may be something to consider. Ensure that you are not taking more than 25 mg of elemental zinc if you are not under the guidance of a naturopath or medical practitioner.

    Where we can find zinc

    Zinc can be found in a variety of plant-foods and animal sources including oysters, beef, eggs, pumpkin seeds, cashews, legumes, wholegrains and brown rice. But if swallowing oysters daily is not for you, or you have low levels of zinc, malabsorption or digestive issues, a zinc supplement may be necessary. However, if you are wanting to increase your zinc levels it is important to talk to your health practitioner first for appropriate testing as over doing your daily amount can create further problems. You can check out our zinc supplement range here.

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