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    The benefits of Supplementing with Percy’s Powder

    Posted by: Mariana Rosa

    The benefits of Supplementing with Percy’s Powder

    A great example of a product that has been around for years due to its effectiveness and power!

    Percy’s Powder is a blood tonic, and helps maintain normal blood. The mineral salts in Percy’s Powder readily dissolve in water (or fruit juice) to supply the body with means of checking the build-up of acids and phosphate, and flushing them out in the urine.

    It may support in:

    • regulating water balance;
    • supporting blood health;
    • maintaining red blood cell health;
    • assisting muscles and nervous system function;
    • regulating cell nutrients;
    • maintaining/supporting healthy acid/alkaline balance in the body;
    • maintaining/supporting immune system health;
    • enhancing energy levels.

    What’s in Percy’s Powder?

    This powder it’s a widely claimed product by thousands of customers since its launch in the 1940’s and a great addition to your health and wellbeing, but what’s in it? 

    Each sachet contains the mineral sulfates in the ratios perfected by Percy Weston:

    MAGNESIUM (as sulphate) 78.1mg
    POTASSIUM (as sulphate) 131mg
    IRON (as sulfate) 9.1mg
    ZINC (as sulphate) 10.2mg
    MANGANESE (as sulfate) 9.1mg
    IODINE (as potassium iodine) 75mcg
    SELENIUM (as selenomethionine) 50mcg

    How do you take Percys Powder?

    Take one sachet of the powder daily in a glass of water. Stir well. Best taken with the juice of half a lemon, with grapefruit, or in grape or apple juice.

    The minerals salts in Percy’s Powder readily dissolve in water (or fruit juice), and are involved in the regulation of water balance within the body. Being a catalyst in the formation of new blood, Percy’s Powder assists in the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and in the making of enzymes involved in digestion. Optimal energy production can only occur with healthy blood, and with healthy blood the body can readily use nutrients to rebuild and regenerate muscles and nerves.

    If you want to strengthen your immune system, enhance your energy levels, properly maintain the health of your nervous system, and joints and muscles, then try out Percy’s Powder now! 

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