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    Vitamins and Supplements for Fertility.

    Posted by: Gillian Day BHSc. Comp Med, Adv Dip Nat, AFMCP Grad

    Vitamins and Supplements for Fertility.

    It makes perfect sense when trying to conceive (TTC), to want to try everything possible to improve your odds of a healthy, full term pregnancy. Vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements are very popular, and they can be very therapeutic, however they can also be very expensive and sometimes do more harm than good. It is important to learn which supplements are necessary to maximise your chances of conceiving whether that be through natural or assisted conception. In my opinion, every couple trying to conceive should be put on a basic preconception supplement regimen unique to them. Correct supplementation can promote fertility and have a significant positive impact on the baby’s health status. Here are the safest general options to maximise your chances of conception.


    CoQ10 has become a very popular fertility supplement in recent years due to its role in providing energy to our cells, particularly the female oocytes, or eggs. Healthy ovulation, the joining of an egg and sperm, the process of fertilisation and implantation are energy intense processes for the body. CoQ10 plays a central role in energy production by powering up the mitochondria within these cells. Whilst the human body can produce its own CoQ10, we produce less and less the older we get so CoQ10 can be particularly beneficial for couples trying to conceive (TTC) that are 30 years of age+ Most importantly, CoQ10 appears to be a safe addition to natural treatment protocols for fertility. Shop Now


    If you want to fall pregnant, and it’s not happening for whatever reason, then stress is no doubt going to be a major factor. Insomnia, anxiety, low energy and sugar cravings are all signs that your body is stressed. Or maybe you’re always worrying about your fertility, monitoring your menstrual cycle like a hawk, or feeling anxious every time you go to the doctor or specialist. These are all examples of how your relationship to your fertility can cause stress in your life. Reducing stress at this time is easier said than done and there are no words more infuriating to a couple when TTC than ‘just relax and it will happen’ Self-care at this time is paramount; have a daily stress release practice, whether it’s practicing yoga, journaling, walking in nature, booking in a massage or cooking up a storm. If these types of practices are not always achievable for whatever reason then the very best quality supplements for stress and nervous system support can absolutely assist. One of my favourites is Herbs of Gold Stress Ease Adrenal Support


    Zinc is the most researched nutrient for fertility and it is a favourite of mine for the reproductive organs in men and women. A zinc insufficiency or deficiency alone is not going to cause infertility, however zinc is at the cornerstone of making sure the reproductive system of men and women works properly.  For the ladies, zinc helps your body

    • Produce mature eggs, ready for fertilisation
    • Utilise your reproductive hormones efficiently; i.e. oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone

    For men, zinc helps to

    • Increase the number of sperm
    • Create mature sperm – without enough zinc, sperm simply cannot mature to a stage of growth needed to give them strength to make it through the very long journey to the uterus where fertilisation takes place.

    Men lose zinc through ejaculation so it’s critical they top up as needed. Oysters are 1 of our top foods high in zinc, however these delicacies are not always available. Shop Now

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is one of our most powerful antioxidants and as such it has a great capacity to stop free radicals in their tracks and protect the health of our cells. There are a variety of different forms of vitamin E and collectively they are known as tocopherols. Interestingly, the word tocopherol comes from the Greek word/s tokos meaning offspring and pherol meaning ‘to bear’ – literally meaning to bear children. Why wouldn’t you want this powerhouse antioxidant in your TTC regime? Vitamin E has a multitude of uses for men and women such as;

    • Helps to thicken the lining of the uterus making it a super nice and cosy home for a fertilised egg to hang out for the gestation period of around 40 weeks
    • Promotes sperm health
    • Improves the action of healthy glucose and insulin metabolism – particularly helpful for women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or diabetes trying to conceive (TTC)
    • Aiding in healthy blood flow to the uterus
    • May help to prevent miscarriage and even increase success rates of IVF treatment.

    Vitamin E is easier to absorb in its natural form (d-alpha-tocopherol) than in the synthetic version (dl-alpha-tocopherol), a subtle but important difference.  Vitamin E has anticoagulant properties, so talk to you doctor if you are on a low-dose aspirin or other blood thinner or statins. Shop Now


    It is well known that folic acid can prevent birth defects such as spina bifida in babies and that is essential for pre-conception care. Remember, it’s not enough just to take folic acid as this nutrient works together with B12 and B6 to ensure the embryo’s DNA and genetic code are complete. Finally, it’s crucial for women to know their MTHFR status when TTC. MTHFR is an enzyme (methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase – try saying that quickly 5 times) that converts folic acid, to natural folate which can then be used by the body. Unfortunately, this enzyme doesn’t work very effectively in 40%+ of Caucasian women due to a genetic variation. I always suggest my female clients get tested for this before TTC as in this case, folic acid will be pointless to take, and some evidence suggests it may even be harmful. Shop Now


    Selenium is an antioxidant which means it helps protect your body from free radicals that surround us in modern living from things like processed foods, alcohol, pollution and the chemicals we can keep in the home. For fertility, selenium is essential to maximise the health creation of sperm and protects the DNA inside our cells from damage, therefore it protects the DNA inside sperm from damage and fragmentation. It is without doubt the most important mineral for male fertility. Shop Now


    You may not automatically associate a high-quality probiotic to increase your chances of conception, however probiotics work to reduce inflammation, and lowered inflammation is good when TTC. Health gut bacteria will help the body utilise our vitamins and minerals properly. Once pregnant, probiotics work well to improve the health of the developing baby, and research suggests probiotics and a healthy gut can lower risk factors for inflammatory conditions like eczema and asthma in childhood. Shop Now

    FERTILITY tea 

    This delicate blend of caffeine free tea has been carefully selected by a naturopath to maximise your fertility potential. Red clover, chaste tree and raspberry leaf have traditionally been used to support hormonal balance, regulate the menstrual cycle and support reproductive health This blend will help regulate the menstrual cycle but shouldn’t be used in conjunction with IVF treatment and when you become pregnant, it is recommended you discontinue drinking the tea. Shop Now

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