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    Why You Should See a Naturopath

    Posted by: Gillian Day BHSc. Comp Med, Adv Dip Nat, AFMCP Grad

    Why You Should See a Naturopath

    So now you know what a naturopaths core beliefs are – perhaps you’re interested in why would someone come to see a naturopath? There are those looking for an ‘alternative’ to conventional medicine, possibly due to the many risks associated with conventional medicines; e.g. women who suffer with PCOS or endometriosis might commonly be prescribed the oral contraceptive pill (OCP – yes, this is a medicine!). The pill might keep the PCOS symptoms at bay – but she may be putting on weight when she doesn’t want to, or she has no sex drive! Natural medicine has helped women not only keep the symptoms of PCOS at bay (whether that be cystic acne or weight gain), but helps the body work the way it’s meant to work, whilst improving the quality of their lives – all of this without the side effects of conventional treatments. There are those looking to work alongside conventional medicine. Some people assume naturopaths cannot work alongside conventional medicine however this couldn’t be further from the truth. Total and long-lasting healthcare for people is best provided by a team – and a naturopath is just 1 part of that team. There are times when it is our time to shine, and there are times when DRs and specialists and other practitioners are best suited. There are those who may have been sick and don’t want to get sick again. If you have ever been sick, or had a chronic health challenge, you’ll know that you want to do everything in your power to make sure you don’t get sick again. More than anything, naturopaths spend time getting to know each, and every patient – physically, emotionally, and often spiritually. When making a recommendation, whether it be a food, a supplement, or a comprehensive testing array for the body, a naturopath will spend time explaining options and answering questions. The aim is to teach clients about their health, and most importantly; what they can do to protect it. So yeah, some of us are a little “out there,” however our evidence based “hippie” medicine works, and what we do is becoming less “alternative” and more “main stream” every day.

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