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    Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen: The Secret to Younger Skin

    Posted by: Gillian Day BHSc. Comp Med, Adv Dip Nat, AFMCP Grad

    Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen: The Secret to Younger Skin

    Collagen and hyaluronic acid are a powerful team for healthy and youthful, skin and joints. Whilst they individually have unique benefits, they also support each other, and taking both is recommended if you want to focus on a holistic anti-aging plan.

    What is collagen and hyaluronic acid?

    Collagen is a protein that gives our skin structure, which helps to firm the skin and the body repair tissues, including joints, bone and cartilage. You can read more about collagen here

    Hyaluronic acid has the ability to promote optimal levels of collagen in the body by nourishing and hydrating collagen. Hyaluronic acid retains moisture (at a rate of up to 1000ml of water per single gram of hyaluronic acid), keeping collagen moist and elastic, versus weaker and stiffer.

    Why do we need to replace collagen and hyaluronic acid?

    After our mid-20’s we start to lose our collagen and the moisture in our skin drops significantly. The skin starts to lose its elasticity, which is why we notice signs of aging and wrinkles. However, the loss of collagen doesn’t only affect the skin.

    Collagen and hyaluronic acid loss can also manifest as other health concerns. Thing such as slower wound healing, joint pain, dry eyes, and weakened bone and joint health. In particular, sufferers of knee osteoarthritis are offered an injectable form of hyaluronic acid, (hyaluronan) as a treatment option to provide relief from pain and stiffness¹.

    The process of breaking down collagen as we age is partly intrinsic and related to genetics. However, it is also deeply connected to external processes in our environment, such as UV light exposure coming from the sun and excess sugar. Here, our bodies create highly volatile compounds called free radicals that react with the collagen protein and change its structure. When this happens, the collagen protein begins to unravel and becomes weaker and stiffer and less flexible.

    Many people use collagen and hyaluronic acid in supplements for their anti-aging benefits.  However, they are extremely helpful for supporting a host of additional health challenges as well. These include wound healing, joint pain and dry eyes. Using oral hyaluronic acid and collagen in supplemental form can have positive effect in reducing symptoms and helping to manage these conditions.



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