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    Our Top 4 Health & Wellness Winter Reads

    Posted by: Kelsea Bell - Gr8 Health Naturopath

    Our Top 4 Health & Wellness Winter Reads

    There’s officially a chill in the air, which means it’s time to stock up on tea, break out the quilts and snuggle up with a good old-fashioned book. Here at Gr8 Health, we have an awesome variety of health and wellness books available for all the health enthusiasts out there. These books offer realistic, tangible ideas, and advice on how to live a healthier life, which will most likely leave you feeling inspired and excited about your overall well being. Our team has compiled a short list of our top reads to keep you warm this winter.

    1. Healthy Hormones – Belinda Kirkpatrick & Ainsley Johnstone

    This is every women’s go to bible as helps you discover how to feel your best by balancing your hormones, naturally. Naturopath Belinda Kirkpatrick provides easy and practical ways to manage symptoms, hormonal conditions and fertility through diet and lifestyle choices. If you have been struggling with stubborn weight loss, low energy, low libido, acne, migraines, or constant low moods, this book could be the answer for you. It also provides over 50 yummy healthy recipes, with facts throughout specially tailored around hormone balancing ingredients and nutrient-dense fertility foods. Healthy Hormones is a wealth of information designed for any female wanting to take an active interest in optimising their hormonal health and gain a deeper understanding about the ways they can improve their health and wellbeing.

    2. Have you got the guts to be really healthy? – Don Chisolm

    If you are someone who feels they are constantly getting sick, feeling sluggish and tired, craving sugar or that morning coffee, this is the book for you. Don Chisolm, often referred to as the “gut man” understands the importance of digestion and absorption of our foods and nutrients and the role these processes take in our overall health and wellbeing. Don has set out to relay the message “We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb”. This book is an exciting and great read for those who are starting out their gut health journey. You will gain an insight into how the right foods and food combinations including enzymes and probiotics are essential to optimal health. It also debunks the many myths we have been led to believe are good for us, when really, they are detrimental to our health. So, if you feel you have the guts to be really healthy, get your copy today.

    3. Life Changing Foods – Anthony William

    Life Changing Foods is not your regular book about fruits and vegetables, or even a regular health & wellness book for that matter. Famous Medical Medium Anthony William brings us his much anticipated second novel which provides a powerful set of tools for healing from illness and protecting our health by using fruits and vegetables. Anthony gains his knowledge from the voice of a divine force called spirit who guides him to find the roots of hard-to-diagnose illnesses and establish the best solutions to restore health. The physical, emotional and spiritual attributes of over 50 fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, and wild foods are explained, along with delicious recipes to help you enjoy each food’s maximum benefit. This book will allow you to unleash the hidden powers of fruits and vegetables and transform your life in the process.

    4. Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life – Dr David Servan Schreiber

    This book is not only a must-read for those battling cancer but also anyone wanting to learn the ways to live a cancer free life. Dr Servan-Schreiber was a doctor forced to become a patient when he was diagnosed with a brain cancer. Initially, he treated his cancer with the best conventional methods had to offer, but after his tumour returned, he started to look beyond modern medicine and delve deeper into alternative methods like nutrition and the mind & body. This book provides the latest research in integrative medicine that blends conventional and alternative methods, and you will learn what makes cancer cells thrive and stay dormant, and ways to empower yourself to prevent their growth. This book gives you the practical tools to live an anticancer lifestyle, with chapters dedicated to anticancer foods, the anticancer body, and the anticancer mind. The recommendations are easy to follow, and the key principles are completely accessible to all walks of life.

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