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    Product Review Dr Superfoods Matcha Tea Powder

    Posted by: Mariana Rosa

    Product Review Dr Superfoods Matcha Tea Powder

    Heaven for Tea Lovers

    Are you a matcha tea lover? Then you’re in it for one of the best tea experiences available!

    Matcha tea is a kind of green tea. It may be good for your heart, weight, and other aspects of health due to its antioxidant content. It’s also easy to incorporate into your diet.

    Matcha also contains a compound called L-theanine, which alters the effects of caffeine, promoting alertness and helping avoid the crash in energy levels that can follow caffeine consumption. It also has been shown to improve attention, memory, and reaction time. 

    Dr Superfoods brings the best option of matcha tea. But what’s the difference between this tea and other matcha teas?

    Dr Superfoods 100% Certified Organic Matcha Tea Powder is ceremonial grade which uses the finest, smallest shade grown leaves from the very tip of the tea bush. This creates a vibrant green colour and a slightly sweet, smooth flavour. The young tips of the tea plant are higher in nutrients than other older parts of the tea plant which are used to make the lower grades of Matcha tea.

    The main difference is that ceremonial grade matcha consists of only the youngest tea leaves. and buds (highest quality tea leaves) picked from first tea pickings of the year (Ichibancha). Ichibancha means “first tea” or first harvest season from late April to May.

    The antioxidant catechin protects cells from oxidative damage, reduced inflammation, aids weight loss, and is being studied for a host of other benefits. On top of this, ceremonial matcha has an extremely fine texture with an appetizingly pure and delicate flavor.

    Upon trying, this tea is so delicate in flavour and very soothing. There’s a slight zesty taste, typical of green tea, that is extremely pleasant and you simply cannot stop at just one cup. Drank at the right temperature, this tea can be an amazing addition to your routine to promote health and wellness. 

    When it comes to matcha tea, it is best to go with the most carefully created option for the best benefits and burst of flavour and Dr Superfoods certainly created art with this Matcha tea. 

    Find this incredible addition to our range here and below along with more Dr Superfoods products available at Gr8 Health here

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