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    Should My Husband Take Collagen?  

    Posted by: Kelsea Bell - Gr8 Health Naturopath

    Should My Husband Take Collagen?  

    Collagen is without a doubt one of the most talked about ingredients in the health and wellness world right now; and it seems every female out there is on the bandwagon. Some swear by its anti-aging benefits; the power to smooth the skin, strengthen nails and give hair that extra shine. Others are into it for its gut healing benefits or some for the post-menopausal benefits.  Besides being a big hit in the women’s world, collagen provides an array of health benefits for men too.

    What is collagen?

    Collagen is the most abundant and one of the most important proteins found in the body. It is found in the muscles, skin, bones, tendons and digestive system. Collagen is what gives our skin its elasticity and holds our joints and tendons together. Think of it like the “glue” that holds everything in place and functioning. Collagen is a rich source of amino acids such as proline, glycine, glutamine and arginine, all of which all of which serve vital roles in the body. As we age our collagen levels naturally decline. In addition, poor lifestyle habits, such as smoking, eating too much sugar, and being exposed to too much sun, deplete our collagen levels. When our collagen levels begin to decrease, the signs of aging become more apparent. This includes things like joint pain, weakened cartilage, sagging skin and hair loss. Men suffer the same loss as women overtime, so replenishing collagen in men has the same benefits as it does for women including hair growth, youthful skin and healthy joints.

    Why men should take collagen

    Promotes hair growth

    The signs of aging hit hard for men too. No man at any age wants to see his hair in the shower drain each morning while his scalp slowly begins to appear. Although hair loss in men is typically linked with genetics, it doesn’t mean there is nothing they can do to promote, thick, healthy hair. Hair is primarily made up of the keratin protein, and collagen provides the amino acids that become the building blocks for this particular hair protein. Thus, collagen provides the tools necessary for hair to grow. Collagen also supports the health of the circulatory system, improving circulation throughout the body.  Increasing blood flow to your scalp helps promote a healthy scalp and a healthy scalp produces healthier hair faster. Moreover, taking collagen helps maintain a healthy moisture and nutrient level, helping it appear thicker and stronger.

    Supports joint Health and Reduces Joint Pain

    Collagen is essential for building, maintaining and repairing the cartilage in joints. Cartilage is the rubber-like tissue that protects and cushions the joints. As we age and our natural collagen levels decrease, so it’s common to feel the aches, pops and pains of swelling joints. If this sounds like your adrenalin junkie husband, he may be experiencing more damage due to the overuse and stress placed on these areas. Collagen can help improve these painful symptoms by feeding the tissue and cartilage and providing protection to the soft tissues and joints.

    Boosts muscle recovery

    Whether your man is a triathlete, gym-junkie or a yogi, collagen is the perfect recovery protein that helps to build and repair the muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage that are put under stress during exercise. The combination of collagen’s high bio availability with its high amino acid content make it optimal post-exercise nutrition that rapidly absorbs and gets to work quickly to help repair and replenish proteins broken down during exercise. This will help speed up the repair of any inflamed connective tissue and relieve any pain after a sweat sesh.

    Supports gut health

    While some digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, are more common in women, several digestive disorders hit men hard including leaky gut. If your husband experiences regular symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, bloating, headaches and fatigue, he could be battling a leaky gut. Essentially, a leaky gut happens when your intestinal barrier starts to have gaps, causing undigested food and toxins to leak into your body and bloodstream. Collagen helps to break down proteins, soothe the gut’s lining, and heal damaged cell walls—all of which can help prevent or treat leaky gut syndrome. Essentially, collagen works to “seal and heal” the protective lining in the gastrointestinal tract.

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