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    Water: Rethink How You Drink

    Posted by: Gillian Day BHSc. Comp Med, Adv Dip Nat, AFMCP Grad

    Water: Rethink How You Drink

    We all know water is the best hydrator, and drinking more of it is found to have a number of benefits including; Helps dissolve fats and soluble fiber, prevents dehydration, Reduces incidence of cancer, Keeps the kidneys healthy and energizes the body. We know it’s good for us……..we know we can’t survive without it, however so many of us come up with all sorts of excuses to not drink the stuff (I hate the taste, I can never remember to drink it, I have to pee every 20 minutes). See below for our GR8 8 tips on how to get more water into your day……

    Pimp it up

    Water – there are those who love it, but there are plenty who don’t too. Pimp up your water easily with flavour. You can add it directly by slicing up a cucumber, lemon or lime, you can add a few blueberries into the mix. If you don’t like ‘bits’ in your water, there are a number of water infusers available now so you can add the flavour in, with no ‘bits’. The skies the limit on what you can add in so get creative with different herbs like basil and ginger or even lavender!

    Build a new habit

    The human body loves routine, so if you’re getting to the end of the day and realise you’ve drunk hardly any water – try establishing your own unique routine, e.g. every time you have a bathroom break – have a glass of water when you return. Or perhaps for each piece of work you finish – before you move on to your next task, that’s your trigger to have a glass of water. It doesn’t take long to establish a new routine, so you’ll be filling up your glass on autopilot in no time.

    Fancy a cuppa?

    Consider making a jug of your favourite herbal brew in the evening and refrigerate overnight. In the morning you’ll have a refreshing, no sugar and uniquely tasty drink ready to enjoy.

    Tech it up

    There’s an app for that – of course there is. Try water logged or water your body. If you know an app isn’t for you, go ‘’old school’’ and set up a number of timers to go off on your phone throughout the day – when the timer goes off, chug back a glass  to help you reach your daily quota.

    Eat your water

    You can add to your daily water quota by consuming foods with a high water content. On top of the vegetables list is zucchini and celery containing up to 95% water and cucumber is a whopping 96% water. Leading the fruits list is watermelon – which is around 92% water. Other high water achievers include strawberries at around 91% water, grapefruit and rockmelon at 90% water.

    Keep your friends close

    Whether you work at a desk, from your car or you’re a mum on the run – invest in a good quality water filter and keep it close by. If you can see it – you can’t ignore it

    Go bubbly

    Whilst you don’t want to be getting your entire daily quota from sparkling or mineral water (as some people can feel rather gassy after sparkling water), having a bubbly, no sugar mineral water as an alternative to tap or plain water is a great way to hydrate – and you’ll be adding in extra minerals too.

    When drinking alcohol – it’s 1 to 1

    Trust me on this one – drinking 1 glass of water for every glass of alcohol is the ‘’only’’ way to rehydrate effectively.

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