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    The Miracle Black Seed Oil

    Posted by: Kelsea Bell - Gr8 Health Naturopath

    The Miracle Black Seed Oil

    In the midst of the collagen, bone broth and hemp protein craze, you may have started to see another alleged superfood currently trending in the health food sphere. Welcome… Black Seed Oil. Black seed oil has proven to be effective in treating a number of health conditions. But what exactly is black seed oil, why is it so good for you, and how the heck is one supposed to consume this dark, mysterious liquid?

    What is Black Seed Oil

    Black seed oil, also commonly known as black caraway or black cumin, comes from the fruit seeds of the flowering nigella sativa plant that grows in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. These tiny, elegantly shaped, matte black seeds have been used in natural healing for thousands of years. Historians believe that the likes of King Tut, Cleopatra, and Hippocrates ingested black seed for an array of conditions, including sickness, weakness, coughing and skin care. In recent years, black seed oil has gained popularity in the health food sphere due to the many scientific studies confirming its potential for treating or alleviating various diseases.

    Benefits of Black Seed Oil

    Allergy Support

    Many of us have allergies to a variety of allergens, including grass, dust mites, moulds, pollen and ragweed. These allergens trigger an antihistamine response that leads to inflammation of the nasal passages, increased nasal and tear secretions, bronchial inflammation, difficulty breathing and other annoying symptoms. Black seed has proven anti-histaminic properties, having the benefit of managing allergic reactions and providing significant relief from the many symptoms. The bonus of black seed oil is it doesn’t produce the unwanted side effects such as drowsiness and headaches, that over the counter anti-allergic medicines commonly cause.

    Immunity Support

    The immune system boosting properties of Black Seed was noted in (Ibn Sina) Avicenna’s 1025 A.D. Canon of Medicine, who used the seed for stimulating the body’s energy and speed recovery from fatigue. Today, majority of clinical studies are focused on the antioxidant activity, which reduces the effects of free radical damage, helping the body to heal itself. Studies have also shown Black Seed can boost the body’s ability to produce immune type cells to help fight off invaders. This helps us get over common aliments such as the common cold, and helps to protect us against minor bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

    Beauty Booster

    Black seed oil is a legendary secret of the goddesses like Cleopatra and Nefertiti, who used it as part of their daily beauty regimen. one of the most appealing benefits of black seed oil is its antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, which work to reduce clogged pores and control oil, as well as tame redness and soothe irritation, including eczema. Black Seed oil is packed full of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamins A, B and C, which help the skin retain moisture, maintain elasticity, fight the damaging free radicals that age you faster and reduce the signs of dark spots and discoloration. Plus, this wonderful oil is rich in fatty acids, which reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    Blood Sugar & Weight Loss

    Diabetes is a chronic disease which has been a long-standing concern, particularly in Australia where we have one of the highest rates in the world. Black seed oil has shown promise for diabetes management. The active constituent, Thymoquinone is believed to possess hypoglycaemic activity, meaning it lowers sugar levels in the blood. A 2016 study found that Black Seed not only improved the body’s ability to regulate glucose, but it also plays a significant role in treating the complications of diabetes, such as cataracts, neuropathy, nephropathy and cardiovascular problems.  Other research has focused on obesity, which is a risk factor for diabetes. These studies found Black Seed can improve overall digestive function and lead to reduced levels of BMI, body fat and cholesterol levels. See our range of Black Seed oil products here

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