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    Hemp Terpenes for Health!

    Posted by: Kelsea Bell - Gr8 Health Naturopath

    Hemp Terpenes for Health!

    You may not have heard of terpenes, but you have most definitely experienced them!

    Terpenes are a large class of organic compounds produced by plants. They are responsible for giving plants their distinct smells. When you stop to smell the delightful aroma of lavender or rosemary, you are smelling terpenes! These fragrant compounds are actually part of a plants natural defence system. They help ward off insects, lure pollinators and fight off harmful bacteria and toxins. Today, more and more studies are uncovering terpenes are healthy for people as well as plants.

    How Terpenes Work

    The original thought was that people benefited from inhaling terpenes because of our sense of smell being tied to our emotional control centres in the brain, which then in turn results in positive effects on our mood. However, new research has uncovered that terpenes not only have mental benefits but physical too!

    Each terpene interacts with specific receptors in your brain to have different effects. Beyond that, each terpene can affect a number of parts in your brain and nervous system at the same time, meaning they can have multiple effects! Studies have uncovered a number of terpenes can trigger physiological responses that can help relieve pain, promote calmness, deep sleep, relax. Focus, boost mood and more!

    Hemp Terpenes

    The hemp plant is full of terpenes, with over 200 kinds! So far, about 60 of them are being closely followed in the scientific world. Studies have proven hemp terpenes can provide a range of effects including mental stimulation, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory and antidepressant.

    Terpene hemp and terpene-infused hemp oils are becoming more and more popular. It is believed these compounds work best when combined as they work to maximise each other’s effects. Some of the most noteworthy include:


    Myrcene is known for its musky and earthy aroma. They are some of the most common terpenes associated with hemp. Also found in thyme, parsley, and lemongrass. It is thought Myrcene supports relaxation and promotes better sleep. Myrcene is also valued for its anti-inflammatory properties and has proved effective in relieving muscle cramps.


    Pinene terpenes are, unsurprisingly, found in pine needles. But they’re also found in several distinct strains of hemp. Pinene has a particularly comforting effect on our airways and bronchial passages. It also supports focus, memory, and energy.


    Limonene gives off the unmistakable scent of citrus. Found also in lemons, oranges, and grapefruits. Limonene terpenes act as a stress-reliever and mood enhancer.


    One of the most abundant terpenes of all, caryophyllene is found in cloves, cinnamon, and black pepper, as well as hemp. It offers a brilliantly spicy, woody aroma.  Caryophyllene has affinity for our bodies’ CB2 receptors making it a common ingredient for reducing inflammation and having effects on short-term and long-term brain health and mental well-being.

    Where can I purchase Hemp terpenes?

    Before purchasing terpenes, it’s always best to do your research. Identify what you are trying to treat, and which terpenes are effective for your specific condition. If you believe the condition/s you are trying to manage can be treated with hemp terpenes, our top recommendation is Nutrua Wellness CB2 oils. Their range of non-prescription alternatives for general wellbeing provide a range of benefits including promoting a sense of calmness and better sleep and supporting mood, increased focus and clarity.

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